
Clinical Neuropsychology

Neuropsychologists examine complex brain functions such as memory and concentrativeness in the context of neurological disorders. These examinations give additional information to other diagnostic approaches such as EEG and neuroimaging. As epilepsies are brain disorders, neuropsychological work-up is an inevitable part of the diagnostic procedures performed at the Epilepsy-Center Berlin-Brandenburg.

The focus of neuopsychological examinations in epilepsy is on intelligence, attention, concentration, language, learning, memory, visuoconstruction, motor functions, and handedness. These functions are assessed by use of standardised procedures in children, adolescents and adults

Dr. phil Tobias Gleich
Head of Psychologists
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Frank Oltmanns
Neuropsychologist adults
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Dr. rer. medic. Louisa Hohmann
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Philip Franz Lembcke
Neuropsychologist children and adolescents
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